Sunday, May 17, 2020

Create a Sensory Nature Bracelet!

Create a Sensory Nature Bracelet!

Apply masking tape to the child’s wrists, with the sticky side facing out.  You can double the tape if it is thin.
As you go on an outdoor walk or adventure, encourage your child to pick up and save things that they find along the way (you may want to discourage live bugs).  
Talk about why they chose what they did!

OT Department        Winchester Public Schools        2020

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Invent Your Dream House!


Boring:  not interesting
Unique:  different, one of a kind
Right off the bat:  right away

Directions:  Listen to the story If I Built a House by Chris Van Dusen.  In the story Jack is a little boy who thinks his house is boring.  He makes plans for a fun house!  His house has a flying room, a racing room, and even a fish tank room.

Click here to listen to the story:      If I Built A House by Chris Van Dusen

After you listen to the story
  • Think about your likes and dislikes. 
  • Describe in writing a room or rooms in your dream house.  Make it unique.
  • Draw a picture of at least one of the rooms in your house.

Use the template below to organize your ideas or write on your own paper.

My house would have a room that  _________________________________________________________.

It would be filled with ____________________________________________________________________.

In the room you could ___________________________________________________________________.

The walls would be covered in ____________________________________________________________.


Saturday, May 9, 2020

Movement Alphabet Challenge

Each letter of the alphabet has been assigned a movement activity.  See
If you can spell your name in movements!  Can you spell a friend’s name?
How about spelling words?  Try a sentence: 
                Keep moving!       My  school is awesome!      Spring is here!

  1.  Run in place for 30 seconds
  2.  10 jumping jacks (apart-together)
  3.  5 wall push-ups  
  4.  5 squats
  5.  15 second wall sit ( back against the wall, lower yourself into a sitting position.  Hold )
  6.  15 arm circles
  7.  10 arm reaches (pick an apple from a tree)
  8.  5 Burpees (squat, plank, squat, stand)
  9.  10 second plank
  10. 10 squats
  11.  5 frog jumps
  12.  6  jump and turns (stand in one place, jump and turn ½ way)
  13.  March in place for a count to 20
  14.  Stand on one foot as long as you can!
  15.  Stand on tip toes for a count to 20
  16.  5 Windmills  (stand like an “X”- reach down to touch your opposite foot   with your hand)
  17.  Hop like a bunny around the room-10 hops
  18.  Lay on your back and pretend your legs are riding a bicycle 
  19.  Do the floss (or your best imitation)-for 10 seconds
  20.  Broad jump over an object on the floor
  21.  Rub your hands together for 10 seconds-open and close your fingers 10x.
  22.  Try to snap your fingers 3x (or clap hands 3x)
  23.  Count to 100 by 10’s
  24.  10 side stretches 
  25.  Sit on the floor with legs outstretched. Touch your toes 5x. 
  26.  Flap your arms like a chicken 10 ( add the cluck and the head movement too)

Friday, May 8, 2020

Wheelbarrow Walking

Wheelbarrow Walking

Wheelbarrow walking is a great upper body and trunk strengthening activity, and can easily be incorporated into a game. When wheelbarrow walking, you are strengthening your arms and your trunk since you are activating a co-contraction of muscles through the whole body to maintain the position. It is a great heavy work activity that also incorporates motor planning. The closer to the child’s body that you hold the legs, the easier it is for them, as the "holder " carries greater weight. If you want it to be easy, hold on the upper thighs or hips, and then move out towards the knees and ankles to increase the difficulty level. It can be great fun to challenge kids to perform a job or game while wheelbarrow walking. 

Here are a few ideas: kids may need to put the pieces in their pocket or balance it on their backs (hands are needed to “walk”.) 

● Simple Puzzles: Put the pieces at one end of the room and the puzzle at the other end. 

● Sorting socks: separate 6 pairs of socks. Put one of each sock at one end of the room, and the other matching socks at the other. 

● Letter matching, or match pictures. 

● Using matchbox cars, get cars to the “garage” 

● Balls or marbles to put down a “marble run” 

● Wheelbarrow walk into a pile of cushions or pillows. 

Winchester Public Schools OT Department 2020 

Adapted from Therapy Fun Zones

Monday, April 27, 2020

ANIMAL STEM            

Arctic:  The area around the North Pole
Shelter:  Home
Adaptations:  The special ability that makes an animal able
live in its environment
Predator:  An animal that hunts for other animals

Directions:  Design a new animal that can live in a cold place like the Arctic.

Your animal should be able to:
  • Stay warm
  • Hunt for food
  • Stay safe from predators
  • Have one moving part

1.  Answer the questions below about your animal.  
2.  Then, draw the animal.
3.  Create a model of your animal using things from around your
house (tin foil, paper, toothpicks, elastics,
tape, egg carton, empty cereal box).

  1.  Describe what your animal looks like.
  2. What does your animal eat?
  3. What is your animal’s shelter (home) made out of?
  4. How does your animal stay warm?
  5. How does your animal stay safe?
  6. What are your animal’s special abilities (adaptations)?

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Monday, April 13, 2020

Nature Bingo and Writing

If you can get outside this is a great activity that helps you explore nature!  

1. Check off each object as you find it.
2. Choose a plant or animal that you observed outside.
  • Draw a picture of it.
  • Write a description in complete sentences.
  • Describe its name, shape, color, and what it is doing.

A bird hopping

3 yellow flowers

An animal with 4 legs

A leaf with rounded edges 
A white flower
An animal with 6 legs
A leaf with smooth edges
A flying animal
An animal eating a plant
A worm

A tree with bumpy bark

A moth

A butterfly